The John Adam prize is awarded by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria for the best article or historical note on Victorian history in the four VHJ issues over two calendar years. The prize is awarded for an article or … Continue reading
Category Archives: Medical history

December 3, 2021
by Sonia Jennings
Comments Off on Women & the Plague: The 1919 Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Melbourne
Women & the Plague: The 1919 Spanish Influenza Pandemic in Melbourne
An online talk by Mary Sheehan (hosted by SHAPS, University of Melbourne), November 2021 Pandemics have always been more than just a medical problem, for they also highlight societal inequalities. Socioeconomic status and ethnic backgrounds have a profound effect on … Continue reading
Were these the good old days?
Watching the rapid spread of the Coronavirus today seems like a re-enactment of events a century ago. But then too, many things were very different in 1919 when the ‘Spanish’ influenza virus arrived in Australia. The nation was recovering from … Continue reading